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"Systems Project"

by Rachel Rothberg

Audio and pen sketches - 00:02:34 (2021-01-01)
Each track on the audio playlist corresponds with the images in this artwork. While the first track plays, view the first image and while the second track plays, view the second image et cetera. The separate tracks can be identified by lapses in the sound. Continue this pattern with each image to fully experience this artwork. If you have trouble listening to the tracks, the playlist can also be found at:

The BFA cohort of 2021 has prepared an exciting preview of their work for the upcoming Western Gallery final exhibition. With a focus on the liminal space between living safely quarantined inside and interacting with their outside obligations of the major, our cohort has created two online spaces to reflect this duality. Here, you can view our exhibition hosted by the Viking Union Gallery, and you're encouraged to visit our sister exhibition hosted by the B-Gallery at, which is created by the cohort with additional information from each artist.