ASWWU Legislative Affairs Council
Voting Members:
- ASWWU Vice President for Governmental Affairs (Chair): Aspen Cates-Doglio (
- OCE Coordinator of Legislative Affairs (Vice Chair): Chris Rosenquist (
- OCE Local Issues Coordinator: Vacant
- 1 ASWWU Senator At-Large (appointed by ASWWU Senate): Vacant
- 1 Graduate Student (Appointed by ASWWU Executive Board): Vacant
- 2 Students At-Large (Appointed by ASWWU Executive Board): Matt Condon & Priscilla Nunez Martinez
- 3 students selected by the Centers (1 each from DAC, LQBTQ+ and MSS)
- 1 Student Staff member from the Sustainability Engagement Institute (Selected by SEI)
Non-Voting Members:
- Student Government Assistant (Secretary): Ruby Stegeman
- Advisor: Adam Lorio(
Legislative Affairs Council serves to increase student representation by:
- Encouraging civic engagement and student participation in the political process.
- Creating, reviewing, and proposing Local, State, Federal, and other proposed Legislative and Administrative Agendas to the Associated Students of Western Washington University (ASWWU) Board of Directors.
- Submitting recommendations to the Washington Student Association (WSA) regarding the statewide Legislative Agenda.
- Establishing contact with elected officials to ensure that student perspectives are being considered at all levels of government.
- Formulating policy positions for all matters concerning students in higher education for approval by the AS Board of Directors.
- Reviewing funding request proposals, making financial decisions, and monitoring the expenditures of student funds paid to the Legislative Action Fund.
- Approving a budget for the Legislative Action Fund in areas designed to more directly represent Western Students at the local, state and federal level, which follows the LAF budget policy.