Student Publications Council
Student Membership:
3 Students At-Large
The Student Publications Council, functioning as the policy-making Board of each authorized student publication, shall:
a. Set general policies, including name, objectives, frequency, and method of publication. This specifically excludes daily editorial and operational decisions as to the conduct of each publication.
b. Establish the criteria, length of appointment, and bonding procedures for the editor-in-chief and manager of each publication. Among the criteria to be considered should be experience, interest, and academic ability, but in no case shall a person be selected who is not in good academic standing with an overall GPA of at least 2.0. Editors of the university newspaper and periodical shall be appointed or reappointed annually. Managers shall be appointed or reappointed annually in Winter Quarter.
c. Develop written procedural methods to handle any matter relating to student publications not covered in this statement.