Student Governance

  • Are You Interested In Student Government at Western?
  • Do you want to be a student leader?
  • Do you enjoy supporting other students?
  • Are you currently active in Western Campus communities?
  • Do you want to support student voices in shared governance of Western?

Candidate filing for ASWWU Elected positions on the Executive Board and Senate is open now!

Learn more and file to run for office here.

The Associated Student Government at Western is charged by the President to represent the interests of the Associated Students of Western Washington University (ASWWU) in shared governance of the University.

The ASWWU Government is a two-body governing system, comprised of the AS Executive Board and the AS Senate.

AS Executive Board

The AS Executive Board represents student interests to University Administration (Non Academic Divisions, Departments and Programs), the Board of Trustees, and appropriate external governmental agencies. AS Executive Board positions are responsible for representing our students in issues concerning the University beyond the classroom. Every year they help address a wide range of student concerns including coordination of local and state lobbying agendas on behalf of Western students.

Check out the AS Executive Board Website to learn more.

AS Senate

The AS Senate is charged with representing Western students’ interests that impact the quality of classroom experiences across our academic programs. They work with Faculty and Staff in Academic Affairs Division, Departments and Programs, the Faculty Senate and Provost’s Office to address topics including but not limited to academic department policies, curriculum design, and academic support services.

Check out the AS Senate Website to learn more.

Other Key Roles of ASWWU Government:

  • Annual Review and Approval of Associated Student Program Budgets funded by Student Fees collected each year.
  • Appointing Student Representatives to relevant University Committees to ensure students have a voice in decisions made by the University.